Sunday, April 02, 2006

Brush Sketches 2

I'm really stoked on this pen sketching now. I've always been jealous of artist that can do quick-sketch with just a ball point pen. I'm starting to get the hang of it now. Some of these are looking like Eddie Campbell's stuff, one of my favorite artists. I'm working on blocking in shapes using negative space and line's of motion. I'm really enjoying sketching these days. I find myself doing it every chance I get. On another note, I wore one of my old Bethy Gloom shirts today and was recognized by three different people. It's always a nice little ego boost when I find out people appreciate work I've done in the past. One girl was the daughter of my girlfriend's parent's friend's, and in the middle of dinner with my gf's parent's she was going on about how her friends loved the comic and have one of my prints from back in the day. Pretty cool. And this evening I went to denny's with my girlfriend and was recognized by another girl who said she'd always wanted one of my Edward Scissorhands prints, so I did a quick sketch for her (not the one pictured above) and she gave us money to pay for our wings. It's the little things that make it worth while. Anyways, back to reality. --Will


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