Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Manifestation - Resources

Following up on what I was writing about yesterday. I found an interesting article that says exactly what I was trying to say. It's interesting, and it clarified a few questions I had about it. It's weird to be saying "make it so". Back to the old Next Gen days. But it's not the first time that I've come across this. A friend of mine got me past a huge obstacle to moving to San Diego last year, by referencing Star Trek wisdom and the power of manifestation. Anyways, I really think this paragraph sums up the process... "Do not ask the universe for what you want. Declare it. Don’t ask. This is very similar to prayer, but you are not praying FOR what you want. You are praying WHAT you want. You are simply saying, “Here it is. Make it so.” It is like planting a seed in the ground. You do not say to the ground, “Here is the seed. Please, can you make it grow?” You simply plant the seed, and it will grow as a natural consequence of your planting and tending to it. It is the same with your intentions. Simply plant them. There’s no need to beg." And on a side note, this whole thing seems to also be modeled in one of my favorite quotes, which I think I've posted here at one point or another. "What we have is based upon moment-to-moment choices of what we do. In each of those moments, we choose. We either take a risk and move toward what we want, or we play it safe and choose comfort. Most of the people, most of the time, choose comfort. In the end, people either have excuses or experiences; reasons or results; buts or brilliance. They either have what they wanted or they have a detailed list of all the rational reasons why not." ~ Anonymous Hope this all is helpful. --Will


Blogger Sarazann said...

Hey Will! I love that last quote. Buts or brilliance, that's great. Like I was telling Bakka the other day, you have to face your fears if not just for the fun of beating them.

On another note, I wrote a comic and I was wondering if I could join the sketch club now. Brandon said I should ask you.
You can see my comic on my Pinto trading site
Tell me if you like it.

8/30/2006 05:43:00 AM  
Blogger Badkins said...

Hey Will, Have you been manifesting tacos lately?

8/31/2006 11:00:00 AM  

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