Saturday, August 12, 2006

I've been doing it again...

...Making plans without knowing my purpose for them. Without purpose goals become impotent. They become about doing for the sake of doing. And that in and of itself is impossible to maintain. It's made me live very reactionary lately. Doing things out of reaction to fear. Without the equilibrium that purpose brings. It's brought me to my knees. Obstacles are wonderful things for that. The Universe's way of letting you know that you are most definitely NOT on the right track. And if you ignore them, out of ignorance, arrogance or in my case sheer-bull-headed determination. They will lead you eventually to a great big thick wall. "Hello wall." So in that, today was a wonderful day. For I know what I once knew, once again. And I realize what I've done. And now I'm making goals, first writing them down. Then asking "why?" And lastly, but not nearly as importantly, asking "how?" It's funny how often "how?" used to be higher up on my list than now. But that impotence thing I mentioned earlier... yeah, "how?" doesn't matter near as much as "why?" For the most part, when I know "what?", and "why?" the universe takes care of the "how?" Well then, I'm glad that's elucidated. --Will "...Work without purpose draws nectar with a sieve, And Hope without an object cannot live." --Samuel Taylor Coleridge.


Blogger Badkins said...

I think getting off track is easy to do, especially with the immediate pressures of life.

Life can become a series of fires that you're always putting out. I wish these type of skills were taught in school starting in junior high. I did well in public school, but if I'd had those kind of tools, it would have been amazing.

8/15/2006 12:28:00 PM  

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