Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lubbock Sketch Club - Comics Group!

The Lubbock Sketchclub is happy to announce a new group project. We are now meeting every Saturday at 9am, at the mahon library (1306 9th Street), to draw comic books. This is an all day affair, from 9am to 5pm. But we will be relocating throughout the day, to draw scenes on location, as well as lunch break, etc. So show up as early as possible to get in on the action.

This is a great experience for being exposed to doing art as an 8 hour work day. As well as going through this challenging creative process as a group instead of just an individual. This event is comic book specific. Please come only if you are dedicated to drawing comics. As well, this is not a class, but with so many other artists around, you're bound to learn a lot! So take advantage of this unique opportunity now!

The Sketchclub Saturday evening sketchnights are still going strong, as well. 7pm to 10pm at Freebirds on the South Loop 289. Everyone is invited and encouraged to participate. Bring friends, bring kids, have fun!



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